Friday 7th Feb – 5:30pm – In front of Perth Concert Hall, St George’s terrace, opposite US Consulate
Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu have called for the US to ‘take over’ the Gaza Strip and to permanently displace all Gazans.
Friends of Palestine WA has called a snap rally for this Friday at 5:30pm opposite the US consulate, outside the Perth Concert Hall on St George’s Terrace.
For everyone who wants to express their horror and dismay at Donald Trump and Netanyahu’s latest announcement – please be there for this march.
See our press statement below.
Palestinians living in Perth and their supporters will demonstrate this Friday night to express their horror and dismay at Donald Trump and Netanyahu’s latest announcement.
“By declaring that Gaza should be put under American control and Palestinians removed to neighboring countries, the most powerful man in the world is calling openly for ethnic cleansing.” argues Hala Ilena, co-chair of Friends of Palestine WA. “We have suffered beyond belief. Our children, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles have been slaughtered for the last 15 months. And now this. The world must stand up.”
Nick Everett, co- chair of FOPWA argues. “Donald Trump has not ruled out the use of American troops in the Gaza strip. He also indicated that Israel should continue and accelerate their conquest of Palestinian land in the West Bank. The notion of international law has been tossed out the window.”
“All such moves must be vigorously opposed by our own government. Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong have claimed that they stand for equal rights and justice for Palestinians. Thus far we have only seen them grovel at the feet of Donald Trump. We must protest and demand our government actively and urgently break all ties with Israel and refuse to go along with Donald Trump’s plans for imperial expansion.” maintains Vashti Fox, media spokesperson for FOPWA.
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