Public meeting – Who are the Weapons Companies Coming to Perth?

Public Meeting – Monday 8th July @ 6:30pm. Location
Location: Citiplace Community Centre, Perth
From July 24-26, the Indian Ocean Defence & Security Conference will be held at Perth Convention Centre: the tag line of this conference is “where AUKUS meets the Quad”. “ It is explicitly about shoring up Australia’s US alliance and promoting war. We can’t let this conference happen without opposition.
Among the arms traders represented at the conference is Rafael Defence Systems (RDS), one of Israel’s biggest weapons companies. RDS is directly implicated in the genocide in Gaza. It was an RDS Spike Missile that was used to murder World Central Kitchen aid workers; they are used also to target civilians inside buildings.
Come and find out more about these merchants of death and our plans to protest at the IODS conference.


Jul 08 2024


6:30 am - 8:00 pm


Citiplace Community Centre, Perth