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Rally for Palestine

  • 15/07/2023
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Murray Street Mall, Perth

On 3 July, Israel launched an invasion of the Jenin refugee camp in the largest military operation in the occupied West Bank in 20 years. Israel claims to have attacked militants in the camp, but camp residents say they were targeted by airstrikes and ground troops. Palestinian health officials say the massive two-day military offensive killed 12 Palestinians and injured at least 140 more. This follows violent attacks on Palestinians, by both occupation forces and settlers. The Biden administration has defended Israel’s actions while the Australian government has remained silent. We call on the Australian government to condemn Israel’s actions and demand sanctions be imposed on Israel, including a global arms embargo.

Friends of Palestine Western Australia (FOPWA)

ABN  308 3181 9745

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